Warning: Some links are to pages that are not created yet!
Professional letter writer service - rewriting services & revisions
ENooz- Internet based publication.
AL Evolver - An artificial life evolution system intended to generate data that could be used to simulate realistic life forms.
AL Evolver II - An artificial life evolution system more intended for entertainment, featuring much more complex life forms.
The Inhuman Genome - A game based on artificial life, in which you attempt to create the life form which will survive the longest.
Anomaly - A space adventure game where almost anything is possible.
Galaxy - The ultimate space game, using a unique system to make infinite advances in technology possible.
SES ( Simple Encryption System ) - A program making use of its 3 encryption systems very convenient.
RELA - A new language superior to English in many ways.
The Hotel Game - A game I invented a long time ago is soon to come to virtual reality on Active Worlds.
Space War 5 - The first ever PC-Style strategy games on paper is about to make a huge leap forward with its 5th installment.
Space War PC - The pocket-sized paper strategy game series will be hugely improved by being brought to PC.
Amarxis - Science fiction the way it used to be... the stories of a starship in an alternative future to the popular Start Trek envisionment.
Hotel Game - A book of some of the most incredible adventures ever in the Hotel Game.
GleamingTechnologies.com - You're looking at it.
GGC - I'm working on a 2D game creation system, but I'm backing down a bit from my previous ambitions with the idea.
Note: There are additional projects not listed here.
Thomas Davidson- I'd like to point out that I'm the only who's actually done anything for Gleaming Technologies so far.
If you would like to join Gleaming Technologies, e-mail me at [email protected]. Almost anyone will be accepted, and you will not be required to make any special agreements, though you will probably not get paid unless you make a major contribution to a profitable project. Gleaming Technologies is a small group founded by Thomas Davidson with the goal of bringing to reality dozens of creative ideas. All the information, ideas, and graphics on this website and the ones accessible through its links are Copyrighted in the year 2001 to Thomas Davidson. I hope you found this sight interesting at least.
Copyright 2001, Thomas Davidson
( Sorry for repeating myself, but I'm a little afraid about people copying my ideas.)